Before purchasing one of our wonderful yurts, we would like to make absolutely certain you have a clear understanding of what our product is all about.
Our authentic Mongolian yurts are handmade, using mainly organic materials and produced in a country where expectations in terms of quality and consistency differ from North American standards. We are the only link between the families of our manufacturers, and our customers. We work diligently to ensure our yurts deliver the highest possible quality in materials and craftsmanship. Upon completion, they are inspected thoroughly and packaged appropriately before shipping them off on their long journey. For optimal longevity of your yurt, we strongly recommend our set-up assistance service. (Ask us for details)
Because our yurts are handmade, dimensions can vary slightly from yurt to yurt. It is important that you know the exact diameter of your yurt before building your platform or flooring of any type. Our team will provide you with this measurement.
How you use your yurt, where you put your yurt, and what you use your yurt for can very much impact on its lifespan. Your yurt will live the longest with regular use, ventilation, and sun. For example, your yurt will not be happy amongst a humid forest, or left alone for long periods of time. We can provide guidance and tips for a long healthy yurt life.
Traditional Mongolian yurt doors are made to fit tight, so as not to open in strong winds. They may swell in a humid climate and will likely require you to adjust them once or twice in the first year. The double french door frame comes without glass. They can accommodate mosquito netting, glass, plexi glass or any of the aforementioned in combination.
We still use authentic handmade horse hair ropes to secure our yurts. Production of these ropes provides an invaluable income directly to Mongolian herders. However, due to their organic nature, they do not last forever, especially on the outside of the yurt. Monitor them closely, and change them to synthetic straps (available from us) or hemp ropes, when necessary. Tip: Keep these beautiful horse hair ropes for an inside project if you see they begin to age. (New ropes are available from us.)
Our canvas covers are cotton based and in direct contact with the elements: snow, ice, wind, rain, and sun. They naturally have a limited life span. As such, we offer a 30% discount for replacement canvases that are purchased within the first 10 years of a yurt purchase. These canvases still represent the best compromise keeping you dry and cool in the summer and warm and in winter, while allowing the yurt to breathe. Our canvases make for a comfortable and healthy experience.
Many of our yurt parts still travel by horseback. They travel across Mongolia before being loaded into a container for shipping. This container will travel by rail, sea, and road to our yurt farm and then to you, its final destination. This journey is extensive and happens over three to four months. You may find a scratch or two on your yurt. Fear not, for we will do our very best to fix bumps and bruises, and provide touch up paint.
It is not always possible to guarantee a “to the minute” delivery. For many reasons deliveries can be delayed. We do our very best to ensure you will receive your yurt when you are expecting it. However, if interruptions occur we will notify you immediately and accommodations will be made.
A family of Mongolian nomads can set-up their yurt in approximately an hour. Yves at Groovy Yurts can set up a 5-wall yurt in 2 hours, on his own, barring complications. Taking down your yurt takes even less time. But you can expect a half day to a full day of set-up for your first installation, if you have chosen our set-up assistance, or even more if you're doing it on your own.
If you chose our Groovy delivery and set-up assistance, please make sure to review our instructions prior to your delivery!
Our yurts are a beautiful work of art and are extremely efficient. We have been producing and selling them in every possible climate, on three different continents since 2003. We are here to help and share our passion for these amazing dwellings and the Mongolian families who create them.
Yurts are usually considered non-permanent dwellings. However, there is no common ruling on yurts in North America and it is up to the local building authorities to rule. Many of our customers decide not to declare their yurts. While this is most certainly their choice, we feel it is our duty and responsibility to recommend that before a yurt is installed that proper measures be taken and investigated with the local building authorities in your area. We know from experience that it may take some time to develop a solution, but one always exists!
We also have a wonderful community of Groovy Yurters who are willing to share their experience on a Facebook group. You are not alone and we are here to help. Do not hesitate to call us!
We respond to our emails within 48 hours or less. We can be reached at 1.888.476.6899.
If you have any questions about our company, our yurts or our catalogue, send us a message and we will happily get back to you as soon as we can. We are at yurt service.